I've got a bunch more to add today, including some of my favorites, and my first look at new NBC programming. Learn the curve to my grading scale
The E-Ring (NBC) - Political/Military Drama
A combat veteran comes home to take a desk job at the Pentagon. There he fights to overcome the politicking of the war room and get the job done. In the pilot, a covert operative in Shanghai must be extracted before time runs out. A very well put-together show. It reminded me of "J.A.G." in some ways, which is a good thing for me. I admired the hero and despised the adversaries. But I didn't feel the victory as much as I should have. The ending was entirely as expected, and that's a pretty big flaw. Hopefully future episodes won't suffer from that problem, because this show has a lot of potential. But all in all, I did like it. The title is misleading; this has nothing to do with the internet. (B+)
Emily's Reasons Why Not (ABC) - Sitcom
Fun, quirky, and generally entertaining. This year's sitcoms seem to make excessive use of voice over, but this one usually pulls it off well. In the pilot, Emily on-the-rebound wonders if her new boyfriend is secretly gay. So far, the characters are nothing special, so this show will hang on how well they are developed in future episodes. I'm waiting for more before I pass strong judgment. (B-)
Love, Inc (UPN) - Sitcom
Love, Incorporated is a professional dating service. But they are much more than just match makers - these foxy ladies will go with you to the bar and be your 'wingwoman,' setting you up with the perfect opportunity. This show was, in my opinion, much better than the previously reviewed UPN comedy. One, it was funny. I laughed. Several times. What a concept! Two, It has a good, original concept for a TV show. Three, the characters are memorable and each generally stands on his or her own. (The dorky photographer, the Latin seductress seeking her green card, the professional who know everything about relationships except her own.) If the writers can continue to come up with original and funny material, this show could last. It's not a "Friends" or "Fraiser," but it's certainly entertaining. Better acting & writing for the minor characters would have got this in the (A) range. It might get there with further episodes. (B+)
Prison Break (FOX) - Drama
Lock me up and throw away the key - I'm hooked. This is by far the best drama I've seen yet. A man robs a bank at gunpoint in order to get himself sent to prison so he can break-out his brother, a death-row inmate. His chances would be slim, except that he worked for the architectural design firm that renovated the prison. He's got a plan, he's making connections, and he's got the brains and the passion to pull it off. And I can't wait to see how he does it. Even the subplots to this show hook you in and make you care about the characters. Still, another trend for this new season is becoming apparent - built-in endings. Like "How I Met Your Mother," once the event described in the title occurs, the show is effectively over. Oh well, I guess that's what spin-offs are for. (A)
My Name is Earl (NBC) - Comedy
In one day, he looses a $100,000 lottery ticket, is hit by a car, and divorced by his wife. Now, trailer-trash-scumbag-extraordinaire Earl is enlightened about the realities of karma, and decides that all the bad in his life is the result of his past wrong-doings. Earl makes a list of every past sin and ventures forth, with his dead-beat brother and a motel maid, to set right what once went wrong. In the pilot, he tracks down the victim of his childhood bullying (played by the Dell Taco guy!), and determines to help him find love, or at least get laid. Most of the laughs in this show are inspired by the main characters' stupidity. Still, they were laughs. But I wonder how long that can last. I would tune in for another episode, but if that disappoints, I don't think I'll stick around. (B+)