Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Midweek Mirth: What's a Trekkie to do?

OK, it's way too serious around here. Everybody just needs to lighten up. So I'm going to dedicate one post a week, probably on Wednesday's, to a bit of fun, humor, or general wackiness. So to kick it off, here are 10 suggestions for how Trekkies can keep busy while the rest of us celebrate the release of the final Star Wars tonight.

Ten Things for Trekkies to Do at 12:01 Tonight

1.) Catch a Red Eye Flight to join the Distribution heads of Paramount, Sony, and Universal on their vacations. (True story!)
2.) Make fun of those loser geeks who've been camped outside the theater for weeks... in Klingon.
3.) Compare the size of each other's spaceship.
4.) Write another letter to the president of CBS in attempt to save Enterprise.
5.) Sneak into premiere parties and sabotage photo ops.
6.) Apply a new bumper sticker which reads: "Guns don't kill people, Type 2 Phasers kill people."
7.) Leave insulting comments at Darth Vader's 'Blog.
8.) Lose more sleep trying to forget Leonard Nimoy's music video.
9.) Beat up a poor, helpless petitioner. (Movie requires the divx codec.)
10.) Give it up, and join the rest of us at a screening of "Revenge of the Sith." Or at least move out of your Mom's basement...


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